May 2, 2006

What no one told me about losing weight

When I decided to lose some weight I was crammed with all the positives. But there is another side to it.

No one ever told me

  1. *That my skin would never bounce all the way back

*That people (especially women) might decide they don't like me as much because I am no longer the "fat" friend

*I still feel weird in tank tops

*Going swimsuit shopping still sucks

*Confidence doesn't come with a smaller waist size

*That I would feel more self concious at 165lbs then I did at 239

*A pregnancy still wouldn't happen

*My hair still looks like shit

*Men noticing me again would creep me out

*People would start talking about fat people to me

I will finish this later, time to work out

1 comment:

Erin said...

I suppose the shittiest (word?) thing on your list is the people talking about fat people to you. Why do people care?
I was sitting in a pizza shop waiting for a client today and two skinny girls came in, sat down, and proceeded to make comments to each other about me being in a pizza shop- like I don't need to be in here. Seriously, it's not like I am a 300 pound recluse who was sitting there consuming a table full of fried shit. I was just sitting there.
I hate people.