Sep 16, 2007

The one where monday comes on sunday

First of all the numbers...and then I'll explain how I got them

Friday: 7,930
Sunday: 13,535
Doubling time 59.64 hours

Its supposed to double every 48 to 72 right? And those are good right?

Sooooooooooooooooo here we go. Friday I went to the bathroom and there was blood. Enough to change the toilet water red and so off to the ER we went. I was checked and she said my cervix was closed but really red and irritated. Friable cervix and whatnot. Ultrasound showed a sac and yolk but no heartbeat. U/s dated me to 5w3d, which was only a day or so off from the charts calculations. Should I be concerned there was no heartbeat so early? Anyway we came home and yesterday I didn't have a lick of spotting. Woke up this morning to red blood. Oh yes, RED. Went in and had a second beta done and the nurse (who had a miscarriage in august) was kind enough to give me the number so I didn't have to wait until tomorrow. They won't however run a progesterone test and I am freaking out. I will be at their office first thing and won't leave until something is done. I really don't care if I have to go to a new dr either. I want to know I did everything I could.

So now I sit here, spotting, waiting.


Erin said...

Oh God, that is horrible. When something like this is happening, you should be allowed to stay in the hospital, get rest and treatment, as well as answers. My prayers are with you.

Michelle said...

if it makes you feel any better, my Dr. told me once upon a time that some women get spotting or even what seems like a full period when pregnant, and your HCG levels sound good. I'm pulling for ya!

Jackie said...

Your HCG levels do sound great! Is it possible the blood is coming from your cervix only? I've read the cervix can bleed after sex early in pregnancy because it is very tender. Hopefully it's either that and/or implantation spotting. Keeping everything crossed for you. Also, we saw the heartbeat at 5w5d, I'm not sure if it's possible to see it sooner. Good luck!!

Carrie said...

The sac and yolk is all you'd expect to see at this stage and your beta levels are good. That said, it is so hard not to worry that no amount of words well help you to relax.

I hope the spotting stops and you get an easier time soon.

Sunny said...

Hugs! It is REALLY early for a heartbeat.

Natalie said...

The #'s seem good but I ain't no doc so I dont' know. But I'm watching and waiting and hoping for you.

Courtney said...

I'm sorry that these 'speedbumps' have to crop up in what should be an otherwise exciting time.

Your numbers look absolutely GREAT!!!

AshPash said...

Hope things are going well with you. The beta numbers look great.

Joy said...

Prayiing for you, babe..

Kristen said...

Awesome beta numbers! I hope the spotting is over. Thinking of you.