Nov 2, 2007

so thankful for fridays

So I thought I would get up and post and read a bit while mr. fatty is playing golf. He is taking this rest up and don't do anything strenuous a bit too far, but I know its out of love. Thank you for all the comments and support. I am going to try to catch up on commenting this week. I'm reading, but haven't been able to return all the comments yet.

Well tuesday marks the second trimester for me. Yeah, thats a big milestone. Except for one thing. They have always said that spotting/bleeding is pretty normal in the first trimester and won't be too concerned until it occurs in the second. Hrm....I am indeed walking a fine line here. While the red bleeding has stopped I am still spewing forth an impressive amount of brown and blackish goo. My dr wants to see me tuesday and if things aren't clearing up in there I guess I'm going in for a pretty detailed u/s. Yeah yeah yeah. I know I once said that unexplained infertility was the worst thing ever. I am totally taking that back. While it does suck, the only thing that sucks more is unexplained bleeding in pregnancy. Is it sad I'm getting used to it?

Okay other soon as any of you get a bfp let me know. I will send you a bottle of colace. It will be your best friend.

Also rent a doppler. So worth it. I think it is what keeps me from losing my mind. Just this morning I was amazed at the little heart beating away in me. I was also a bit concerned because it sounds like there is some major construction going on too.

Halloween was fun.

Okay I've just got to get down to what is really bothering me. I was pregnant this time last year. I miscarried on the 6th. Its messing with my head. But really is also makes me wonder what changed. For 5 years we had no positives at all. Nothing. We tried so many things and timed it so well. But something had to have changed because I've been pregnant twice in the last year. So I want to know what it was. After so long why the sudden change?

So those are the things that keep me up at night. I'm going to start posting regularly next week. I really appreciate all the support. It makes me feel like maybe I'm not so crazy afterall.


AwkwardMoments said...

MY dearfriend, you are NOT crazy at all.. I am going to look into this "colace". I have never heard of it

AwkwardMoments said...

OOOh i just looked that up. I was going to ask my dr for these:

niobe said...

I hope things (meaning the bleeding) improve (meaning stops) soon (meaning immediately).

Erin said...

I really, really hope that the bleeding stops immediately. I was so glad to read that all is OK and that the baby is still doing well. It's good that your doctor is keeping an eye on you and that the doppler is making you feel better about the baby.

Courtney said...

Far from crazy! I can only imagine the stress from the spotting. You are holding up great though and well on your way to trimester 2. :)

anji said...

Dear friend, you are not crazy! :P

And, that construction noise? Sounds like the wee one is makin' themselves at home and comfortable! You don't build a house unless you intend on staying there a good long while :)

You're never far from my thoughts! Weird, eh? I guess those who have such a hard time with getting pregnant, have an amazing empathy for others... I definitely see it in you!

Take care....

Jackie said...

Hey, I'm so glad you have that Doppler so you can hear the h/b any time you please. I find 4 week between h/b listening sessions wears on my nerves...
Wishing you all the best and hoping that all secretions resembling blood, old blood, etc cease and desist immediately!

Sunny said...

Yeah to moving into your 2nd tri!!!! NO MORE BLOOD!

Kristen said...

YAY for another big milestone! I hope the spotting stays at bay.

And I have IBS with constipation so I know the miracles of colace. Lifesaver!