Jun 18, 2009

Show and tell week something or another

Yes I know I didn't post all week, but I did dig through my blog and discovered that my 4 year blogaversary was on June 7th. Four years is quite a long time in my little world so I do consider it an accomplishment. So onto the sharing shall we...

Remember you can go here and join in or just see what the others are sharing

Show and Tell

I had a few people ask me where I got the pic for my header. I got it from my camera. I took it when we headed to the beach last month. We went to this amazing set of tidepools and I just went totally picture happy. The first three are pretty self explanitory but lets see if you can guess what happened after the fourth.....

MMmmmmm pretty
Ooooooooooooh even prettier

Hello starfish!

Heh, take a guess what happened to Mr.hermit crab seconds after I took this. Yes, right into the mouth. You would think he would spit it out since it was crawling around and everything but noooooooo, I had to reach in and pull it out. Enough snack talk, go see what everyone else is showing!


Liv said...

LOL over the hermit crab! Can't believe you had to go in after it!

The photos are gorgeous! Great job photo snappin'!

And thanks for the comment on my blog!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Love the pics! It reminds me of a Bay in Bermuda I visited on vacation this year!


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Snack talk!

Happy blogoversary -- wow, 4 years!

I love tide pools. Your header is gorgeous.

cowboyboot lady said...

Absolutely gorgeous photos! What I would do to live near a beach like that!

Congrats on four bloggie years!!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Gah! Hermit crab in the mouth!

Is the beach on the east coast? It's beautiful.

And congratulations on the blogoversary :-)

GINA and KEV said...

Great pictures and happy blogoversary!

FET Accompli said...

Gorgeous pictures - congrats on the four year blogaversary!

Anonymous said...

awesome pics!

areyoukiddingme said...

Congrats on your blogoversary!

Hermit crab in the mouth! I wish kids understood the concept of "Yuck!"

Beautiful pictures....