Sep 9, 2005

Tilt a whirls make me nervous

Tomorrow is my husbands company picnic. Its a big deal. For any of you that have kids you know how expensive fairs and carnivals can be. You can shell out 100$ in an hour easy. Which leads me to why I am so damn excited. They have all the rides, booths, food stands n such but its all free. Oh yeah, say the f word to me. Its supposed to rain but I'm not scared. I got our rain coats out already. Then sunday is my sons birthday. Yeah I know, september 11 is a kind of sucky birthday. I remember getting up and getting ready for his second birthday and turning on the tv. I was devastated. But its a reality that every other country deals with a lot and it was just our turn. No need to start wars over lies and make everyone paranoid about the terror alert level. If you've traveled a lot then you know we still have it good. Just most people never realize that.

I got thru my sons first day of school! I made my husband take me out for breakfast and then I went to the gym. Its a long day. 8:30 to 3:15 for kindergarten! I'll get over it. Looking at some options for work right now. I've had a few offers but I think my hubby wants me to keep it part time so I can still cook for him. I know that got some eyerolls, but its what I do.

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