May 17, 2007

No joke

So last month was going to be IUI cycle 1. I popped out my egg unusually early and with only a few hours notice so it was a no go. Thats fine. I never expected this to be easy. Since today is cd 11 I called the lovely dr to set up however we were going to work it out this month. Imagine my suprise to hear everyone is sick. We are talking a serious flu issue. So here is where we stand. I can wait and see what happens first, my egg or them getting better. OR I can go to a different clinic. I refuse to let someone who is not trained in things hoo-ha related near my junk. I've got enough problems already and the last thing I need is someone in there tinkering around. So...I'm not sure what to do with this. Mr. fatty is taking this as some huge sign not to go forward at this moment. I think this is just another show of my tendency to have bad luck. In either case I guess I should go buy some opks.

I should take up the offer to be the guinea pig. A few women I know have always wondered wich ovulation detection method works best. I do have a montior and a saliva scope and could get some opks. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Might be time to dust those things off and get obsessive. Even thinking about it seems like too much work. Tennis sounds like more fun.

HA! Speaking of tennis have I mentioned the fact that I play like crap. But I just love to go out there and swing my racket at thin air anyway. Everyonce in a while I actually make contact with the ball but I must admit most of the time it is by accident. That sounds good right now, I think I shall go make a fool of myself.


Erin said...

Wow, that just sucks. The entire clinic is sick with the flu???
I say go for it on your own this month and see what happens. I wouldn't risk the flu or some new guy/girl near the vajayjay.

anji said...

Okay!! how'd it go?????

*sending positive thoughts*

I'm on my first month of clomid. I start tomorrow.... too many people getting pregnant around me, it's driving me batty :(