Jun 29, 2005

the crack just kicked in

Originally uploaded by fatty pants.

Well well well. I think everything is going okay. Finished the clomid and now I've turned into a mucus maniac inspecting every panty and bit of toilet paper I can find. Oh yeah and that pesky urge to pee on that lil monitor that never gives me a happy face. I don't know how so many women go thru years of this without going insane. It should be easy right? Insert penis and squirt. But not for me. Anyway on to lighter subjects.

Hahahahahhahaha I made a funny. I lost a few pounds. Official gym weight today was 220. Thats down 18 lbs and I couldn't be happier. Well I could, but you know, what can you do....It hasn't been to hard so far. I just stopped buying the ben and jerry's. I'm sure it will be hell later. Like at the fourth of july bbq's. I might as well just buy some bigger pants right now. You know I was thinking as I was feeling my fat bounce up and down on the eliptical today, I wonder what is harder. Losing weight or infertility. Because on one side you can hide the fact that you are infertile but its really hard to hide a 3 yard butt. BUT its easy to talk about weight with people (i think) and have people relate to you. I think that is very hard to do with infertility.

I wonder if anyone reads this blog. Probably not.

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