Aug 14, 2007

Just call me sausage pants

I've gained back 20 pounds. There I said it. Shit shit shit. So in response to this unpleasant revelation I have dusted off the gym bag and returned to my old love....I missed the gym. Its the only place I feel equal because there usually aren't any pregnant women lurking in there. Shit. 20 pounds! I could say its the depression, or the miscarriage, maybe even the fertility drugs but thats a lie. I just sat on my fat ass eating pop tarts and now my jeans barely button. I shall fix this. THIS I can fix.

It looks like iui #3 will be sometime in the next few days. I did develope 2 nice follies taking the soy isoflavones. Hrm. Who would have thought it would work? I'm off to bed. I'm beat from my workout.


AwkwardMoments said...

Good for you

ultimatejourney said...

Glad to hear you're getting back to the gym, rather than drowning the weight-gain sorrows in more food (which is all too easy to do.)

Natalie said...

I got fat during this stupid IF thing too. I blamed it on depression, drugs, everything, but alas, you are right - it's just us sitting on our fat asses. Good for you for getting back at it. And good luck with #3. Maybe third time lucky?

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I gained 25 pounds. Good for getting back to the gym.

Christy said...

Good for you getting back to the gym. That should have you feeling better in no time. I, too, am frustrated with the weight thing. I have tons to lose, but have, in fact, gained 5 since my miscarriage in May despite my new improved eating habits and daily exercise. Really frustrating!