Jul 22, 2005

Yay for fridays

This has been a long week. A really long week. And today is a long day, a long boring day since it doesn't seem safe to go more than 14 feet from my bathroom. Don't get me wrong, its fun and all but I hope the stomach upset doesn't last too long. I am pulling a lazy day out of my hat. I am doing nothing. ABSOLUTELY nothing today.

I keep having these dreams that I'm pregnant. Last night I was dreaming that I was in labor. I could feel the pain in my sleep ( that really sucked) but it was weird because I kept screaming my baby wasn't kicking. I dunno what it means, but I think its a sign that maybe I am/was a little to focused on my broken uterus. We tried jump starting it, coaxing it, even bought gifts but no. Shes a stubborn bitch and her "friends" falopian and ovary aren't too nice either. But I have to admit that not focusing on calendars and cycle days has been ummmmm very good for our sex life. Hahah now I'm just babbeling about anything. Now if you'll excuse me I must go spend some more time in my potty


Okay so its now much later in the day, and I must say that dateline was really amusing tonight. I loved the youngest bride who was just too much of a weiner to even do an at home fitness tape. It made me feel good even on my laziest day in months. We went and rented some movies and tried to pick up quick stuff for dinner. I even went as far as to buy some healthy choice frozen dinners. But when I got home I just stared at the box. I have never really been able to eat frozen dinners. There is something kind of creepy about them. I just keep trying cause it would make my life a lot easier. Instead I ended up making chicken and soup. I think tonight I will try to make my husband eat one. Hahahahahahahaha. That will NEVER happen. I remember when I was a teenager I thought that frozen food was rich people food. The only time we had it was when my mom somehow made some money. That wasn't very often considering most her money went to cigarettes. Or we would go to taco bell. That was our "treat". Now my mothers triglycerides are over 900. Yeah I know. So just when I was thinking about using full fat cheese in my soup I stopped. I tried to imagine how scary it would be if my heart stopped. I never want to know that feeling. I'm okay with bitching my way thru gym sessions and salads if thats what it takes to avoid it.

On a non fitness note I would like to offer a reward to anyone who can catch whatever dog is shitting in my yard. See we have cats beacuse, well, cats poop in a box. But theres a lot of dogs in our neighborhood and one ( that seems to be VERY large) likes to poo in front of my flower garden. There must be some kind of buried treasure there because its in the same spot every damn time. And I get all fanatical about it and try to catch the dog by spying out the widow or trying to sneak outside at night. Somehow we always miss each other. So short of putting out a bear trap all I can do is ask for help on around the clock pooper duty. Yes I am very aware that I need a hobby.

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