Nov 20, 2007

Gobble gobble

Today I did the unthinkable. I watched oprah. Really I just don't get it. I understand the excitement of a panini maker but is it really enough to make you shit yourself? Her favorite things really failed to impress me. Just because she has money doesn't mean she has great taste. That really gets back to the reason I dislike her so much. It seems that she is so condescending to everyone that is not a celebrity. It feels like the worlds biggest douchebag clique if you ask me.

I'm sure you all are getting ready for thanksgiving but since I am boycotting this year all I really need to get ready is a few magazines, some snacks and a comfy pair of jammies. I have no intention on going anywhere or doing anything. I'm going to sit at home and be greatful because right now I am the most greatful woman on earth. This time last year I was still in the shit hole of loss after my miscarriage. It is truly amazing what can change in a year. I am so glad I didn't give up. After years of waiting I finally feel this is our time.

But since I'm not going anywhere and am not cooking I REALLY want to know what all of you are making. Don't worry. Mr.fatty is bringing me back food. Lots of food. Well I take that back. I may make a pecan pie because I really just don't like anyone elses.

I would like to thank all of you. The support is just amazing. Its not like in real life where I have to watch my tongue. Here I can say what is on my mind. Every single time I have hit a rough spot its like the calgary comes riding in to help me make it through another day. So to all of you a big thank you.

Also while your at it, what are you thankful for?


Erin said...

I'm not an Oprah person. Just never got it.

Thanksgiving is just going to be me, J, and P. I'm going all-out though, because it's J's birthday: turkey with gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and a corn/zucchini dish. And fresh, homemade pumpkin pie, as J requested that in place of a cake of any sort.

I'm really thankful for many things, but mostly that it looks like I'll have another son by the end of the year--if not in my arms, then his picture in my hands and imprinted on my heart.

Courtney said...

I probably won't be cooking much. My husband is the chef extraordinare around this house.

I am thankful for my husband and this/these babies that are baking in the oven right now.

Natalie said...

I used to like Oprah but more than anything lately I just find her condescending.

While it's not thanksgiving for me, I am however thankful for a husband who puts up with all teh crazy.