Mar 31, 2007


I was going to blog last week because I know this must be on the top of everyones to ready list (I'm sure you can also see the giant eyeroll that slipped out as I typed that) but had to wait because my loving husband wisked us away to the beach for a bit. I was finally able to relax. I shopped a bit at the outlets, ate food I usually shy away from, took the longest hottest baths in history, slept alone all spread out like a starfish on a rock, and most importantly I think I achieved my goal of digging the worlds biggest hole. Giggle if you will but we comfortably fit four people underground. Yeah it was that big. After we added some logs as a roof and my sons sweatpants as a flag I was just amazed at our creation. Add to it a campfire and some clam chowder and you can see how I was in heaven. I cannot wait to go back and do it again in August. I feel revived and refreshed. Ahhhhhhhhh, it probably won't last long though.

Speaking of spouses mine turns fourty on the fourth. I've planned an evening full of sushi and gallons of sake so all should go well. I'm having a hard time deciding on a gift. Usually I just end up getting something, but 40 is a milestone and I want my gift to be good. Scratch that, I want my gift to be the best. Ties and such are no good because he is buying a new suit before our friends wedding in June. Watches he breaks every god damn year. He has all the sporting stuff he could ever dream of and so that leave me here banging my head against my monitor because I know time is almost up. I'm sure it will come to me, but I just hope it hurries.

On the garden front I have almost everything either in the ground or in the little green house things getting started. So now I just have to wait for it all to bloom. It seems like I'm always waiting for something....

My sons spring break is over on monday and I have to admit I will miss having him around. We went and seen that ever so popular turtle movie the other day and it was nice for it to just be the two of us. I love my son and thats why we haven't told him we are trying for another. I don't want him to see my desire to be a mom again as him not being good enough. Even with all the stubborness and grossness (he is a nose picker) I could not ask for a more wonderful child.

1 comment:

anji said...

thanks for visiting my site!

I forgot to ask my doc what tilt mine was the other day but, I figure maybe if I just roll over like a chicken on a spit that maybe I can cover all my bases! *laughs*

Doctor gave me clomid to try for three months... we'll have to start it in june 'cause hubby is sick and needs some time to heal from kidney stones. I don't think it has passed yet.... so, when he's given the green light, we'll try that. *fingers crossed*

Did you take pics of the world's biggest hole?