May 17, 2007

On your mark, get set, GO

So heres the plan. Nurses are still deathly sick. So dr. M has decided to step in and do it himself. Of course that comes with a 60% risk of him being called out to deliver a baby or something of the sort but at this point I will take it. So mr. fatty is currently holding his swimmers at bay and I officially started my grand expirement. Obsession here we go!

I started yesterday so

CD 11....negative opk @ midnight
CD 12.....negative opk @ 1 pm
cervical mucus stretchy and almost clear-ph of 6--slight ferning
saliva ferning about half

When I said I was going to obsess I wasn't kidding. Since we aren't having sex I can do all my testing un obscured. Its a really good thing I don't have a digital camera. Although I am tempted to take pics on regular film. I pity the poor developer that gets that roll. Okay off to the ballpark.


Kate said...

Ha! It might be worth it just to see the look on the poor photo guys face! :)

Courtney said...

Good luck!!!!

anji said...

Fingers crossed!