May 28, 2007

I hate blogger

I swear I have not been slacking. I now officially hate blogger. It has been signing me out every time it auto saves, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to turn it off. So I typed this up in notepad and hopefully copy and paste will work.

I had such high hopes for this cycle, and I guess I shouldn't give up since its not over yet but I feel defeated. The ONLY positive opk I got was at 4 am. Its a really good thing I seduced mr fatty because by the time I got to the clinic the next day you could see that I had popped two follies. Yes two! I'm really frustrated by how difficult this is. I think we are monitoring lh by blood next cycle, but I won't know until I see him in a few days.

We took a few days off and had a fabulous time at the coast. I just sat in the sand and watched the sea lions watch me while mr fatty and fatty junior were building great forts out of driftwood. I love those times we can just get away and be with each other. Its harder and harder to come by now but we try to make it happen often. Speaking of which only 1 month until vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have lots of stuff stored in my head up hear for a big post but I feel a bit sick from eating way too many cookies. I will have to catch up in a bit. Baby moxie I seen you tagged me but I'm afraid I'm really behind on it! I'm off to read up on everyones blogs.


Courtney said...

No problem - life happens!

Erin said...

I can't begin to imagine the whole process of infertility. I definitely feel blessed to have been able to conceive two children even though it took a year to conceive Dean. I really wish the best for your family. I can't think of anyone more deserving than you and your husband. You both just seem like genuinely good people who need this one break. I hope it happens soon. I'll be pulling for ya, even at 4:00 am!

Sunny said...

fingers crossed!

anji said...


Can't wait to hear how things turn out... I started a blog now specifically for fertility... you inspired me :D

talk to you soon!