Jun 4, 2007

Reason number 969,573,845

I know I've stated before that I really love my husband. Let me add one more reason to that list.

This weekend was the family shower. The one for my niece that is due just days from my edd. There has been a parade of baby showers for her and this was the final and big blowout. People came from out of state, and it was just a huge bonanza. So what does this have to do with my husband? He didn't even tell me about it, instead he wisked me out to the woods to camp in my favorite spot. We built huge fires, floated around in the river, watched the deer, got eaten alive by bugs and played one twisted game of kickball. It was fantastic. A great form of therapy if you will. Mr fatty didn't say a word, just made sure I was content in my own little world.
It wasn't until the last night when we were sitting on the playground that I remembered. I was a bit sad and we talked about how we got here and what we thought the future held for us. I'm all teared up as I sit here because I know that he would do anything to make me happy. Even on days I just want to strangle him I know that I am so luck to have him.

Now that our camping trip is over and I'm back to reality I'm afraid of feeling like a fat ass on our trip. Yeah yeah I know, I'm not morbidly obese anymore but my inner fat girl just isn't getting that message. She is FREAKING out right now. Like cookie dough ripping hair out by the root freaking out.

I just realized I forgot deoderant because I raised my arm and almost passed out. Yeah, I'm having that kind of day. My big appointment is tomorrow to find out the game plan for this month. We'll see what they come up with.


Michelle said...

I just stumble upon your blog, and WOW, are we on similar paths! I too hope for the best with my Femara and just tried an IUI for the first time this past cycle. I have a 3yr old at home... so I hea ya!!

Courtney said...

It sounds like you have a wonderful husband! It helps tremendously to have such great support from a partner. I'm envious of your camping trip!

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow!!! I look forward to hearing about your plan.

anji said...

Awwwwwww, that's so sweet!!

He sounds like a definite keeper *LOL*

You are very blessed to have someone who is so thoughtful and caring and.... so him :)

Take care!