Sep 17, 2007

Mmmmmmm booktour

Emilia often describes the intense physical and emotional connection between she and Jack. She often refers to him as her bashert. But after the loss of Isabel, and Emilia's spiral into solitary despair, that connection is damaged. This alteration is noted by Emilia when Jack declines her first offer of physical intimacy since their daughter's death. She becomes "terrified that I have become like Carolyn, cold to sex, unmoved by my husband, uninterested in the passion that once meant everything to me." What sort of relationship do you have with your significant other? Do you feel he/she is your bashert? What effect has IF/loss had on your emotional and/or physical relationship?

To be honest for a long time I wasn't sure that my husband and I were ment to be. We were in love sure, but a relationship takes so much more than that. It was going through IF and a loss that made me wake up to the fact that we were absolutely ment to be together. Sometimes it takes a lot of heartache and sorrow to see how strong your love and commitment really is. After our loss getting intimate was hard for me. I cried and felt empty. It took a while and a lot of love in order for it to feel right again.

Throughout the book my feelings towards Emilia were conflicted. If you felt that way too, why did you also feel that way?

It was hard to like her. My heart broke for her because I can't imagine the pain, but her coldness just irritated me. I've never read a character who could have me go from total sympathy to wanting to knock her out in under a page.

Emilia has a difficult time relating to other women who have had losses in pregnancy, usually because she sees her situation as different and worse than those women who have had miscarriages. She is particularly hard on her friend Mindy. Do you feel like this attitude was justified on her part? Are mothers of SIDs victims much different and worse off than mothers of miscarriages? Or can we all belong to the same support group?

I think that both pains are very real. I really don't think that can be in the same group. To me while a loss is a loss there is such a profound difference between being able to achieve and then losing and not being able to achieve at all. I don't think her attitude towards her friend was justified at all, but in moments of grief I know I have not always been the kindest either. I don't think one is worse than the other, they are just different.

We all have had someone in our lives like William who innocently says the wrong thing more often then we would like. How has your infertility experience helped you respond better to those "innocent yet wrong" comments/questions?

I don't really posess that ability which is why we don't really talk to anyone about it. We still get all the "isn't it kid time" or "have a kid already" comments and I have been so tempted just to get up on the table and scream at the top of my lungs that we are broken. We took years to concieve and then my body betrayed me and I lost it. I've always wondered what the response would be. Instead I just tell everyone we are waiting for the right time and smile politely. Its not their fault. They don't know.


AwkwardMoments said...

Great responses

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I'm glad IF made your marriage stronger, or at least made you realize how strong it is.

Ditto on feelings for Emilia! You put it very well. Ayelet did a great job of making her sympathetic and exasperating at the same time.

Good analysis of the book.

On a personal note, I'm so sorry for your loss. {{{Fatty Pants}}}

Samantha said...

I felt the same way about Emilia. She frequently did things that only made the situation worse. I did wonder if she had been able to empathize with other women's losses, if that wouldn't have helped her deal with her own.

Anonymous said...

I haven't figured out yet if screaming at people that something is wrong and for them to shut up does any good. It may be one of those things that initially feels nice and then feels crappy, but it could possibly make them close their mouth and think about what they're saying next time. We had that conversation among friends this weekend and the verdict was out, but the division ran down gender lines - boys thought it was okay to ask RUDE questions and girls (in a show of solidarity) said NO WAY.

Ms. Planner said...

Hey sweetie. I read a bit of your blog and I hope, hope, hope that the bleeding calms down and the betas keep going up. Way to go for sticking to your guns and getting the info you need from your dr. (& the nice nurse).

I really appreciated your honesty about not always saying the right things or feeling your most kindest when you are hurting. I gave Emilia so much slack because she was so hurting.

Thinking of you and hoping everything turns out OK.

Kristen said...

I absolutely agree that IF tests your marriage. It really makes you see how good your communication process is and how strong you both can be in the face of adversity.

Wonderful post!

P.S. I am so sorry about the spotting. I hope it is not serious and you have a smooth, healthy 7 months of joy ahead of you.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

I love this line: "I have been so tempted just to get up on the table and scream at the top of my lungs that we are broken." How many times have I thought that...

Unknown said...

Every time I hear someone say, "So, when are you guys going to have a baby," to a woman who is anywhere between the ages of 21 and 50 I want to beat them about the head and shoulders. Maybe the only good thing about that TRAINWRECK of a show, Tell Me You Love Me, is that it will make people think twice about saying things like that.

Thank you so much for reading!

Waiting Amy said...

I often want to just scream "I am broken" in response to issues. In fact, I actually did scream it at my husband once. I think it was: "I am NOT okay! I am broken!"

Thanks for your great thoughts on the books. Wishing you smooth sailing for the future.

Erin said...

I am checking in on you.

Joy said...

Hey babe.. just wondering how you're doing..

Thinking of you.
