Oct 29, 2007

Quick update

Well that was scary. I was still gushing at the ER. Enough for them to iv me up and prepare me for the worst. Top that off I had two pregnant nurses. Anyway. Baby is wonderful, seemed to be waving at us as a matter of fact. So while I'm freaking out and going crazy its nice to know its still comfy in there. They still don't know what happened. I spent forever at ultrasound so they could look for a subchronic bleed, or some blood pooled up under the placenta. Nada. What they do know is that prior to these bleeding episodes I feel a lot of pressure, so for the next few days I'm supposed to rest as much as I can and when/if I start to feel the pressure head in right away even if I'm not spotting. Is it possible I have such randomly bad luck? Okay back to the couch before mr. fatty gets upset.


Erin said...

What relief. I hope that things start to get better for this pregnancy so that you can actually enjoy it and stop being on edge and scared. Still my prayers are with you. Rest up.

Sunny Jenny said...

Oh I am so glad things turned out well! I bet that was scary! Rest up!

AwkwardMoments said...

well thats still good news. lay down and rest .. adding you and baby to my prayers ..i just constantly pray lately

Jackie said...

I am so, so glad to hear that everything is all right. I'm thinking of you and hoping that all continues to go well. Sans bleeding.

anji said...

Take as much rest as you need! The less movement the better... maybe when you are asleep and you feel this pressure, you should try to wake up and relax your body... I know it's hard (I have this happen every cycle, about 4 days before my period comes, I experience pressure and tightening which isn't comfortable. I have to wake myself up to make it stop.... usually takes about 10 minutes to relax and then I go to sleep again)...

Ohhhhh, I'm not trying to freak you out by saying it always leads to periods, I'm just saying it's a type of pressure and that's how I need to release it!

I'm SO thankful things are fine. When I read the entry, I'm sure you were at the hospital still and I was prayin'! HOpe things are good and stay good the rest of your pregancy! *chin up!*

Kristen said...

I'm glad your little bean is happy and healthy! Get plenty of rest and be good to yourself. XOXO

Amanda said...

I am so relieved for you! I know it has to be torture that they don't know the whys on this, but at least it's stopped now. And your little bean is OK!

I'm keeping you and your bean in my thoughts and prayers!! <3

Somewhat Ordinary said...

So glad to hear the baby is doing good! I can imagine how scary that whole thing was for you and hope that there is no more bleeding!

Courtney said...

Rest! Rest!! Rest!!! That had to have been a very stressful experience for you. :(

I hope that all bleeding disappears, and you can focus on that little one (waving at you no doubt!).

ultimatejourney said...

That sounds terrifying! Definitely take it easy. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for no more scares.

Christy said...

Oh my gosh! How scary! I'm glad that you are OK and resting. Take care of yourself and do as your hubby says.

niobe said...

Exhaling. I'm so glad to hear this.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I can just see the little one waiving madly.

So glad things are still OK.

Natalie said...

Jesus, you have had the craziest pregnancy ever so far. Fuck, it'd be nice if it just let you be and hung on!

Deb said...

How scarey! I'm glad things are okay. Rest up!

Joy said...

This kid is SO grounded.

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad everything is ok! I think of you all the time!!!