Jan 23, 2006


Well well well, another week finished. I made it thru my son being ill, a horrid birthday party, and pre ovulation jitters. For anyone that is curious my hard headed little egg friend should be dropping at any moment but oddly enough something else is occupying more space in that bowl of pudding I call my brain.

Lately I have heard and seen a lot about fat acceptance. I agree that we should love ourselves unconditionally. I don't believe in deprevation or making yourself unhappy either. Yay for peace love and snicker bars. But then tonight I'm watching the learning channel and this program called Big as life: Obesity in America. The fact that the woman who was trying to justify why she wouldn't diet and had to love her probably 320lb was having such a hard time breathing it was louder than her voice really disturbed me. I get the fact that it is easier not to diet and exercise. But I don't get how you can say that is loving oneself. If you loved yourself wouldn't you want to take better care of you? Wouldn't you want to be able to climb a flight of stairs, or maybe get thru a day without back pain. Aren't you worth the effort? I'm not saying this because I'm no longer morbidly obese. I'm just saying that I never would have turned my life around if I wouldn't have finally figured out that I should put as much care into myself as I do my family and loved ones. I now know that I am worth that 45 minutes at the gym. I know that my body deserves more than fruit loops. I know I don't want to die of a heart attack before my son graduates high school. And its amazing because all of that came to me in a split second last summer. I don't make excuses anymore and that is why my pledge not to diet and deprive is working.

Okay besides all that rolling around in my brain I am proud to say that today I ran. Oh yeah baby. I just decided fuck it and went for it. We're talking 15 minutes straight of unabashed fat flapping full force running baby. It felt great too. Of course I continued running/walking intervals after that but that is besides the point. You know how long I could run when I started this. Not even a minute. And even that made me want to pass out. But for 15 minutes today I was a runnin fool. My husband has put out the idea of the family participating in the fun run this year. For those of you who aren't portlanders its a 5k right before the startlight parade. Everyone dresses in obsurd costumes and runs for the crowds gathering for the parade. I think it would be a good place to start because its in the evening and cool and it would be a lot of fun. I'm also happy my husband will be doing it with me. I have a few months to prepare and unless I hit that golden jackpot and get knocked up there is nothing that can stop me. No excuses.


Jennifer said...

You are so right! You can't use love for yourself as an excuse not to diet. You have to use it as a reason to take care of yourself. Unfortunately, it's hard to find that balance where you can say, "I love and accept myself no matter what I weigh, but because I love and respect myself, I am willing to do what it takes to get my body into a healthy state." My goal is to eventually reach that mindset way deep down. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people lose weight because they hate their bodies, not out of love and respect for them.

Sassy said...

Good for you! That's freakin' awesome!!!!

Kubah said...

Nothing beats getting support while working out. It's great for motivation. You seem to be married to a good guy.