Mar 23, 2006

Got snout?

We have decided that on Monday we shall make snouts. The zoo is having some sort of pig fest and animals in spring training. I know your all jealous. Who wouldn't want to be close to this uh lovable creature. It makes me giggle and a bit nervous. I just hope the damn thing doesn't try to eat me.

My working out is coming along great lately. Since I was told to cut back I find that I am actually enjoying myself instead of forcing myself to the gym. I am excited that the time of year is coming where I can take my pale self outside to soak up some sun. Oh thats right you all have no idea how pale I am. My butt could blind people. It is whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite. Usually by august I pick up a bit of color but this year I'm hoping to not look quite so dead a bit sooner. Having fair skin and light hair makes me prone to burn and freckle instead of tan so I take whatever I can get. I checked out a book today of waterfalls around here so I can make a map of where we want to hike this year. I really can't wait. Beats the smelly gym anyday.

So the phone call with Dr. M ended up with him calling me a wus and making my appointment for my hsg anyway. Yes, he's a special kind of doctor. So if all goes well and my dumb uterus cooperates it looks like Tuesday the 11th will be it. I admitted to my husband I was nervous with all that is fixing to happen and he said he is too. But then he smiled and said he's excited at the same time. Is it because they aren't shoving things into him? I mean I love him and all but all he had to do was give a semen sample. Lucky schmuck


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Here from Michele tonight! Hope your proceedure works just as you want it to! Snouts, huh? How do you "make snouts"? Souns very interesting...!

keda said...

i loved the name fatty pants so i cheated and stopped by even though i wasn't below you via michele's!

i've been reading thsi whole page of posts, and loving it. things certainly havent been that easy or happy recently but despite your honesty with the subject you remain upbeat and fun. well done you and good luck.

Anonymous said...

LOL I am white too - normally I got away with it but I have just settled in a coastal town in another state and I look like a freak - no-one here gives a crap about sun protection!! I am walking around in my long sleeves, giant hat, layers of sunscreen (looking like an english tourist...not that there is anything wrong with that!) and everyone else is practically nekid and as brown as our native australians (not that there is anything wrong with that either!!)

I worked in an IVF clinic for years, the guys have the easy job - even if most of them find it embarrasing

I have my fingers crossed that your uterus is co-operative and everything goes smashingly

Malinda777 said...

What a funny looking little guy.

Here from Michele