Jun 17, 2007

2 days

This fathers day was supposed to be different. I was supposed to be ready to deliver, and my husband would have had the best fathers day ever. Last night we listened to my niece as she told the room she was beginning to dialate so it would be any day now. I could see how sad that announcement made my husband. Instead of getting ready for a baby we were both staring and squinting at my opk this morning to see if it was positive, which it is dangerously close....we are on full egg alert now.

Today is still a day for celebration. Even though my husband is not the biological father to my son their bond could not be stronger. In my eyes he is already the greatest father on earth. Also I believe that the willingness to be a father and coming along on this roller coaster ride of fertility is reason enough to show our other halfs some extra love and joy today.

Well it looks like the IUI will most likely take place tuesday morning. Mr fatty is downing fluids and stretching like he is getting ready for the olympics. I'm scared to be hopeful, but then again I'm scared of being let down agaian. I'm just a bundle of nerves with a huge case of heartburn. Ack....two more days.

OH and as a note Mr.fatty indulged me and bought me a new cell phone complete with camera phone! Let the sending of opk pictures begin...hahaha


Sunny said...

UGH to today. I felt the same way this morning. We would have a 3 month old curling up in bed with us as we give gifts and breakfast. Instead it was me and the dog with cards and a gift. Grumps was floored that I would do something at all. I really wanted to just prove a point. BAD ME! I wanted to be thought of on Mother's Day.

FINGERS CROSSED for your opk's and upcoming IUI!!! Proud of your email address!!!!

Mama Bear said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I love the idea for the inflatable collection cup, etc. That would shut the neighbors up, let me tell you!

Best of luck on your IUI this week. I hope that everything goes well and that this is your cycle! I'll be checking back in to see how things are going.

E. Phantzi said...

Hey, good luck with the IUI! Thanks for the comment on my blog - now I know you're here I'll be catching up on the story so far.